BE IT RESOLVED that the following shall be adopted as the By-Laws of the SKAGIT ALPINE CLUB, INCORPORATED:
Section 1:Membership is open to individuals 18 years of age and older.
Section 2:Sons or daughters, brothers or sisters, of regular Skagit Alpine Club members shall be entitled to all the privileges of regular members, except that they cannot vote and may be restricted from certain club activities considered too strenuous for their age group.
Section 3:Those who were members before the first Thursday of July 1960, shall be known as charter members.
Section 4: Dues shall be recommended by the Executive Committee annually to the membership at the November meeting. The membership shall vote on the recommended dues at the December meeting. Members not paying dues by the first Thursday in March shall be dropped from membership until such dues have been paid.
Section 1:Each member is entitled to one vote.
Section 1:The club shall meet once a month.
Section 2:Meetings shall be held at a location determined by the Executive Board.
Section 3:Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
Section 4:Guests, which may include Federation of Western Outdoor Club (FWOC) members, shall be accepted at all club activities, at the discretion of the club president or the leader of the function.
Parliamentary Authority
Section 1:Except as otherwise provided in the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws of this corporation, Roberts Rules of Order shall control all parliamentary procedure.
Removal of Officers
Section 1:In case of neglect of duty or violation of the laws of the corporation on the part of any officer of this club in the interim of meetings, the board of directors shall have power to suspend such officer after a fair hearing, subject to an appeal at the next meeting, when the club as a whole shall act.
Section 2:In case an officer shall prove unfaithful to the club, he or she may be impeached and removed from office.
Section 3:Membership in the club shall be terminated by death, removal for cause by majority vote of the executive committee or membership, and by non-payment of dues as hereinabove set forth. Upon the termination of membership in the club, all interest in the corporate property shall be lost.
Section 1:The officers of this club shall consist of the president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, which shall be elected at the November meeting. The president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and immediate past president shall be known as the executive committee. All members of the executive committee shall serve for one year not to exceed two consecutive terms in a single office.
Section 2:A list of names for new officers shall be submitted at the November meeting by a nominating committee composed of three persons appointed by the president at the October meeting each year. Additional nominations may be made from the floor. If there is more than one nomination, the voting shall be by secret paper ballot. Election shall be by a majority of members voting for any given office. Officers shall assume office at the December meeting.
Section 3:When an officer position is vacated, the executive committee shall nominate a member to fill the position and the membership shall vote on this nominee at the next regular meeting. Vacated officer positions shall be filled in the event of death, resignation, change of resident, or removal of any officer or director of the club, the vacancy shall be filled majority vote of the members present at the next regular meeting.
Duties Of the President
Section 1:The president shall preside at all regular and special meetings. The president shall sign all papers and documents that require his or her signature to properly authenticate them.
Section 2:The president’s decisions upon all questions of policy shall be final until the club’s next regular meeting for approval or rejection. Such decisions, when approved or revised by the club, shall have the effect and force of the general laws of the organization.
Section 3:The president shall appoint such committees as appear to be proper for the benefit of the club, and shall have authority to fill all committee vacancies occurring therein during recess.
Section 4:The president shall fill all vacancies until an election is held.
Duties Of the Vice-President
Section 1:The vice-president shall preside in the absence of the president.
Section 2:The vice-president shall be custodian of a duplicate form of the Articles of Incorporation during his or her term of office.
Duties Of the Secretary
Section 1:The secretary shall keep a correct record of the proceedings of this club, shall read or cause to be read all communications, reports, etc.
Section 2:The secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the club.
Duties Of the Treasurer
Section 1:The treasurer shall receive all money due the club and shall make all disbursements of club funds authorized by the executive committee, and shall keep true and correct books of account and submit them to the executive committee at any meeting when requested to do so, and shall render to the club membership a financial report at the November meeting. The treasurer shall bill members, collect dues, and maintain a record of membership receipts.
Section 2:he treasurer shall submit the annual application for incorporation and submit necessary fees to the Secretary of State.
Duties Of the Executive Committee
Section 1:The executive committee shall have general supervision of the funds and property of the corporation as required by law. They shall approve all bills before payment is made.
Section 2:They shall audit the financial records of the club or cause the same to be done by competent persons at the close of the fiscal year or on the resignation of an officer entrusted with club funds.
Section 3:At each meeting they shall report any action taken by them since the previous meeting and at the annual meeting shall submit a complete record of their actions and proceedings.
Fiscal Year
Section 1:The fiscal year of this club shall begin March 1 and shall end on the last day of February.
Section 1:In December, the president shall appoint the standing committees listed below, with their respective duties:
Lookout:The Cabin Committee shall be responsible for the maintenance of leased Skagit Alpine Club lookouts and reservations for their use. They shall also be responsible for the proper opening and closure of these lookouts.
Climbing:The Climbing Committee shall be responsible for the annual Basic Mountaineering course and the club’s mountain climbing schedule.
Outing:The Outing Committee shall plan the club’s out-of-doors activities such as camping, trail hiking, backpacking trips, rock collecting, photograph, flower and beach walks, and winter activities.
Program:The Program Committee shall be responsible for planning the monthly program presented at regular meetings, and special programs as designated by the officers and directors. The committee shall recommend any outstanding special program to the attention of the officers and directors.
Newsletter:The newsletter committee shall be responsible for the publishing the newsletter as requested by the club.
Social:The Social Committee shall be responsible for planning all club social activities, which shall include an Annual Banquets in June and December.
Conservation:The function of the committee shall be to advise the club regarding conservation problems, legislation pertaining to conservation, and to maintain contact with other outdoor clubs.
Section 2:Each committee shall consist of a chairperson and other interested parties approved by the executive committee. In performing their respective duties, each committee shall work closely with, and be responsible to, the president.
Order of Business
Section 1:The usual order of business shall be:
Call to order
Welcome and introductions
Approval of last meeting minutes
Old Business
New Business
Reading of communications
Reports of officers
Reports of standing committees
Reports of special committees
Unfinished business
New business
These By-Laws may be amended by a majority vote of the membership present at any regular meeting.