Sir Edmund Hillary: "It is not the mountains we conquer but only ourselves.”
NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: I got a ton of photos this month so Thank You, and I’m stoked to see everyone is out crushing it! If you don’t see the photos you sent me, don’t worry. I didn’t want to put them all in, just in case these are all I get the rest of the year. Expect to see them soon and please keep them coming!
April Meeting
Date/Time: Wednesday, April 3, 2019, at 7:00 p.m. (Gear Swap meet at 6:30 p.m.)
Location: The Burlington Public Library, located at 820 East Washington Avenue, one block south of Fairhaven at the corner of Washington Avenue and Holly Street.
Program: Southwest outdoor short adventures: what to do when it's cold, wet and dark in the Pacific Northwest. Several SAC members will share trips they've done to the desert southwest including rock climbing (J-Tree, Red Rocks), hiking (Grand Canyon and more) and mountain biking (Moab and Hurricane, Utah). Get some ideas, inspiration and information for your own future trip!
Old Business
Dues are due!
Annual SAC member dues are $35.00 per family. Please pay your dues before March 2019 to avoid being dropped from the club. There are several convenient ways you can pay:
1. You can come to the next club meeting and bring a check or cash to our new treasure, Jenna Price
2. You can mail a check to Skagit Alpine Club to this address: P.O. Box 1054 Mount Vernon, WA 98273
3. You can pay through PayPal on our website.
Upcoming Events
Gear Swap: Does all your gear spark joy? More importantly, does it spark your partner’s joy? If not, bring it to the SAC Gear Swap on April 3! Or, if you’re looking to pick up something for this season, come looking! The swap meet will start at 6:30 p.m. and all deals need to be done by so we can promptly start our very full meeting.
Dr. Robin Kodner, an Associate Professor of Biology at Western Washington University, is looking for volunteers to collect alpine snow samples this spring for her Living Snow Project. At the April 3rd SAC meeting, she will demonstrate collection methods and distribute equipment to interested club members. Dr. Kodner will return as the featured presenter at our May meeting to discuss her research in more detail and share information about the fascinating forms of life that inhabit the snow and ice of our mountains.
The 2019 Basic Mountaineering Class is coming and registration is open! If you know anyone who is interested, it’s not too late, as the first outing will be April 13.
Save the date for the SAC Leavenworth weekend: May 10-12, 2019! As in previous years, it will be in conjunction with the BMC lead climbing outing.
Conservation Committee
The National Parks Service, in conjunction with Conservation Northwest, is in the midst of a multi-year fisher restoration project. In December, six were released in the Skagit river watershed! Check out information here: And, if you’re lucky enough to see one, please report the sighting (and send us pictures!)
Skagit Alpine Club Meeting Notes: March 6, 2019
President Andrea Bachman welcomed members and guests to the meeting and initiated introductions.
Stephen updated the club’s InReach subscription to a monthly plan, saving us a lot of money. If you want to use it, it’ll need to be activated for that particular month.
The BMC needs a few more instructors for the Rope Travel/Team Arrest outing on May 18-19. If you want to volunteer, you can contact Holly
The club discussed updating the signage at the Park Butte Lookout to encourage all users (day and overnight and multiple overnight parties) to be more welcoming and share the resource. If you have specific comments or ideas, you can pass those along to Travis & Eniko at
The BMC needs a few more instructors for the Rope Travel/Team Arrest outing on May 18-19. If you want to volunteer, you can contact Holly
Craig VanHoy gave a great presentation, detailing his multitude of climbing trips, specifically talking about his time as a professional guide on the Seven Summits. Swing by and see him at his store, the Northwest Mountain Shop (located above the Woolley Market) for more stories and any gear needs.
New Business:
The club is getting new shirts! If we order at least 20, they will only cost $21.00 for sizes small to extra large. The material is standard pre-shrunk jersey T-shirt fit (no women's cut). The SAC logo will also be featured in black and white on the left sleeve. Concerned about sizing? We are going to try to have a sample order of each size at the April meeting for you to try it on before committing to a size. If you have any further questions, you can reach Holly at
The club has a new webmaster. Thank you to Raymond DeVries! Please check out the new website: Your secretary, Leslie Parks, is working to archive information from previous websites.