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December 2019 Newsletter

Climber: "The temptation to quit will be strongest just before you are about to succeed.” – Bob Parsons

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Sorry for the lame layout, but I’ve been a little busy recently. Apparently, no one wanted to hear about being pregnant and just see a bunch of pictures of our pets, so, thanks for the great pictures! They’re all at the end, so keep reading!


December Meeting

Date/Time: Wednesday, Dec 4, 2019, at 6:00 p.m.

Location: The Burlington Community Center Multi-Purpose Room, located at 1011 Greenleaf Ave.

Program: Annual Holiday Potluck! Please bring a potluck dish to share, plate, utensils and preferred beverage. For those that would like to participate, there will be a White Elephant gift exchange. No limit on creativity, but keep the cash limit to $15 or less.

Skagit Alpine Club Meeting Notes: November 6, 2019

Old Business

The annual Mt Baker Ski Weekend will be Mar. 6 – Mar. 8. We have two cabins reserved with a total of 16 rooms. The cost is $180 per room for the weekend. SAC will cover the Pizza Soiree at Chair 9 on Mar. 6. Please contact Karen Howard at to reserve your room. You must be a SAC member to attend.

SAC turns 60 years old in 2020! How should we celebrate? How about by climbing the Skagit 60! The goal is, as a club, to tick a list of 60 peaks, all within Skagit county between July of 2020 and 2021. Take a look at the current Skagit 60! Let Phil know if there is a peak missing or one you want one to be removed from the list. He can swap peaks pretty easy and no one would really know the difference!

We (Raymond) will put the list on our website and track our progress. If you’re interested in helping, contact the VP, Phil at We still need a talented SAC member to come up with a Skagit logo for schwag!

New Business

Dues are due! Please bring $35 cash or check to the Holiday Potluck. Dues are collected per family.

Treasurer Report: The club made $90 in 2019 and gained 7 memberships (up to 52 from 45 in 2018)! Let’s keep brainstorming ideas to retain and engage current members and attract new members.

Thank you to Craig Romano for sharing some of his favorite urban trails in our backyard. For those of you that missed it, consider picking up one of his local guides listed below.

Urban Trails: Bellingham focuses on the trails, parks, and preserves within and near Anacortes, Bellingham, and Mount Vernon. You’ll find trails to beaches, old-growth forests, lakeshores, wildlife-rich wetlands, rolling hills, scenic vistas, meadows, historic sites, and vibrant communities. Trails perfect for easy or all-day hikes, short or long runs, and refreshing walks. And trails throughout the Chuckanut Mountains recreation area.

Urban Trails: Everett focuses on the trails, parks, and preserves within and around the urban and suburban areas of Everett and Western Snohomish County. You’ll also find detailed trail information for Camano and Whidbey Islands’ array of beautiful parks and preserves in Urban Trails: Everett. You’ll find trails to beaches, old-growth forests, lakeshores, wildlife-rich wetlands, rolling hills, scenic vistas, historic sites, and vibrant communities.

The BMC is coming!!! If you’re interested in helping out this year (and we always need the help) please contact Brandon and Lisa for how to get involved at We will start holding planning meetings very soon!

Conservation Committee

Recovering America’s Wildlife Act (RAWA): Bipartisan bill that would provide $1.4 billion to state and tribal wildlife agencies to fund proactive conservation of more than 12,000 species. RAWA would create the first dedicated funding, by accessing revenues the government receives from energy and mineral leases on federal lands, for nongame wildlife.

Securing Outdoor Access for Recreation Act (SOAR): Bipartisan bill that aims to improve and modernize permitting systems on public lands.

Recreation Not Red-Tape Act (RNR): Bipartisan bill that seeks to improve access to public lands by modernizing the permitting process. This bill would also emphasize the need for adequate staffing and facilities on public lands.


Thanks for reading this far! And now what you’ve all been waiting, climbing porn! Thanks to Jarek, Brendan, Travis, Alex and Juliet for the photos! If you want the full story, hit them up.

Jarek crushing in Yosemite on the Regular Route NW face of Half Dome and on Lower Cathedral Spire.

Brendan hiking a little closer to home at Crystal Lake and to the top of Mailbox Peak.

Travis on a day trip up Ragged Edges on Vesper Peak.

Juliet climbing Mt Washington on a beautiful November day.
Juliet climbing Mt Washington on a beautiful November dayJuliet climbing Mt Washington on a beautiful November day.

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