“Because in the end, you won’t remember the time you spent working in the office or mowing the lawn. Climb that goddamn mountain.” – Jack Kerouac
NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: After three years, this will be my final newsletter for SAC. It’s been a lot of fun, seeing pictures and hearing the full stories of everyone’s adventures. But, we’ll be continuing our own adventure by adding one more to the farm in January, so the time has come to pass the torch.
Take care, be safe and check your knots!
December Meeting:
Date/Time: Wednesday, December 1, 2021, at 7:00 p.m.
Program: The annual (usually, except Covid but hopefully that’s over!?!) SAC Holiday party! I hope everyone had a great time and scored some super sweet white elephant gifts!
Skagit Alpine Club Meeting Notes: November 3, 2021
Thanks to Emma, Freddie and Jamie who gave a great presentation on their climbing this summer.
By a vote of attendees at the meeting, the current executive board members will remain in their positions for 2022.
New Business:
Ski Weekend: The ski weekend with be February 25-27 with rooms costing $150. We will watch Covid trend and keep everyone updated as we get closer.
SAC Campoout: Unfortunately, our group camp reservation for Leavenworth was canceled by the Forest Service. It was planned for Mother's Day weekend. We are looking for alternative group camp areas that have a porta-potty or a pit toilet and can fit 50 people or so. Open to recommendations and suggestions.
The BMC: The 8-week Basic Mountaineering Course is planned for next spring with the addition of one extra ice axe arrest/basic snow travel weekend class. We will send out a notification when registration is set to open.
Newsletter Editor: As I mentioned before, volunteer to take over writing the SAC newsletter, please reach out to Skagitalpineclub@gmail.com
Dues are Due: Reminder to pay club membership for 2022. Here is a link https://www.skagitalpineclub.com/membership