"And just like that... Winter opened cold bleary eyes to the newborn colors of spring.” – Angie Weiland-Crosby
NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: As I enjoyed the view of Rainier, the Olympics and the land of no summer camping (Canada) from a belay on Erie, it struck me: Summer’s here! So get out and enjoy, socially responsibly of course!

June Meeting:
Sadly, the June meeting has been canceled due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Viruses suck.
Skagit Alpine Club Meeting Notes: May, 2020
Jim Reynolds won the gold medal of social distancing by joining from Turkey, the country, not the post T-giving coma land.
Park Butte Stewardship
It’s official: the new lookout stewards are Alex Kortuem and Jonathan Frostad.
Alex Kortuem announced that he will take over the maintenance efforts of the Park Butte Lookout. Thank you, Alex! Jonathan Frostad will assist Alex with any with coordination needed for the annual volunteer work party as well as correspondence with the forest service, which J Fro loves doing!
Thank you, Travis and Eniko Gomez, for a job well done as past lookout stewards. We really appreciate everything you did!
BMC has been officially canceled. We will begin applying for BMC 2021 permits this summer.
Thank you very much to everyone who paid their membership dues recently. Also, a very special thank you to those who gave more than membership dues. We received some generous donations, which kept us out of the red and will help us start up the BMC for next year. Thank you, everyone!!!

New Business:
SAC Picnic
The annual July picnic is still TBD. Without a clear idea of what restrictions will be in effect in July, no decision on if and how to carry out the picnic has been made.
Old Business:
SAC 60th Anniversary!
Help us celebrate 60 years of SAC by climbing mountains! The club is attempting to summit all the Skagit 60 peaks in 2020 to commemorate the 60th anniversary. The website used to track our progress is skagit60.com.
Please go to skagit60.com and sign up with the email you are receiving this newsletter with. After you sign up for an account you will be able to the following:
· Tick peaks
· Add interest in climbing peaks so others can contact you when they go to climb the peak
· Submit trip reports
As of now, there are still 52 peaks left to tick! I want to give a shoutout to Dusty for an impressive May 1 tick of Snowking. Nice work!

Trip Report:
Park Butte Area from Brendan Gabriel
Snow starts on the NF road around 2 miles before the trailhead @ 3200 ft. Trail is completely covered and lots of snowmobile traffic still. Made it one mile into the trail past the lower meadows to the boulder creek before the switch backs.
Brendan Gabriel

SAC Leadership:
President – Andrea Bachman
Vice President: Phil Wilson
Treasurer – Jenna Price
Secretary – Leslie Parks
Lookout – Alex Kortuem & Jonathan Frostad
Climbing - Juliet Holzknecht
Program – Jonathan Frostad
Newsletter – John Parks
Social - Karen Howard
Conservation - Miyabi Gladstein
Webmaster - Raymond DeVries
For those looking to get out, check out the following for what’s open and what’s closed:
DNR recreation sites open since May 5
List of WA State Parks that are now open
List of counties open to overnight camping (note that none of the northwest WA state counties are listed)
Most trailhead in the National Forests are now open. Check updates on trailheads, camping, road conditions, etc. here.
Latest information on National Park openings in WA
Openings and closures in Anacortes park lands