Juliet Evans and other SAC members at the Vamos Outdoors Project - Rock Climbing event on 2/19/2022 at Riverstone Climbing Gym. Overall we had 11 high school students and two mentors give rock climbing a try for their first time. The time flew by and at the end students were sad that they had to wait until March to come again. Looking forward to the second rock climbing opportunity in a few weeks! Reach out to us with questions and if you want to get involved. Learn more about what Vamos Outdoors Project is all about from their website. www.vamosoutdoorsproject.com
March Meeting:
Date/Time: Wednesday, March 2, 2021, at 7:00 p.m at Burlington Library
This is an in-person meeting only.
Program: Cameron Bigge is a local Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.) and he will be providing a fun, healing and therapeutically painful physical rehab meeting. He will be bringing many useful therapeutic tools like foam rollers, lacrosse balls, WODSKAI balls, golf balls, YogaToes, TigerTail, etc. along with instructions on how to properly use these for healing injuries and physical rehabilitation. Please feel free to bring your favorite tools and techniques for physical rehabilitation. This is a ‘sharing is caring’ experience. We all have had injuries and you may have found ways that are more effective for healing them. Bring your questions. Dress comfortably. This will be an in person only meeting so you can get the most out of the meeting and experience the ‘feel so good’ pain.
Skagit Alpine Club Meeting Notes: February 2, 2021
John Scurlock, a local landscape photographer legend, presented his stunning pictures of glaciers of North America (Canada/US). https://www.pbase.com/nolock
Important SAC Business:
- A friendly reminder to pay SAC dues $35/family, if you haven't already
- SAC Ski Sunday (2/27/22) at Mt. Baker Ski Area instead of the SAC Ski Weekend.
- Vamos Outdoors Collaboration:
Our first event with 5 Skagit Alpine Club Volunteers, 11 high school students and 2 Vamos Outdoors mentors was a lot of fun for everyone. Many students had never tried rock climbing before, and while they may have been a little nervous, they continued to push themselves a little bit each time. We almost didn’t realize how quickly the two hours went by and students asked several times when we would come back! Hoping we can continue to offer a fun option for our local high school students!
- Basic Mountaineering Course:
We have a full class of 20 students and several on the waitlist! The course will start at the beginning of April and run through June. We recently got a great deal on new walkie talkies to replace our currently dwindling supply and are excited to have them throughout the years to come for our mountaineering course.
Our next step is an instructor meeting to go over roles and responsibilities (and eat good food) in early March. Juliet will be sending an email shortly.
- Rocky Talkie radios. Juliet reached out to the Rocky Talkie company and was able to get a discount and tax free for new radios to replace our club's old and dying set. These radios are made for harsh conditions and should be a great investment for the club for many years to come. They will be greatly appreciated for this year's BMC.
The Rocky Talkie company has extended the discount (we believe it's 20%) to all SAC members if you are wishing to purchase one for your personal use. Just send a brief email to Saying you are a SAC member and are interested in purchasing X number of radios at the discounted rate. support@rockytalkie.com
- The April SAC meeting is the annual Gear Swap! A great place to dust off unused gear and either sell or trade it with other SAC members. Also a great opportunity for new BMC students to possibly find good deals on some of the gear checklist items. Save the date for April 6th at the Burlington Library.
- For those of you who weren't able to sign up for the Backcountry Medical Guides' Wilderness First Aid Training (WFA); SAC member, Dave Myers, is offering a WFA class. His class would need a minimum of 6 students, maximum of 10. Cost $125/person. Dates and times are TBD. If you are interested in this option, contact Dave at Dave.myers@navy.mil for more information.