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Newsletter- March 2019

John Muir: "The mountains are calling, and I must go.”

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Almost two months into the year and I’ve received photos from exactly 1 person. So, you’re stuck with my photos, again. PLEASE, send me your photos for the newsletter, or at least post them to the Facebook page. I sincerely hope everyone is crushing SO much, you’re too busy to send photos...


March Meeting

Date/Time: Wednesday, March 6, 2019, at 7:00 p.m.

Location: The Burlington Public Library, located at 820 East Washington Avenue, one block south of Fairhaven at the corner of Washington Avenue and Holly Street.

Program: Craig VanHoy, an AMGA guide with 400+ plus Rainier summits via 19 routes, in addition to numerous Himalaya summits, will be presenting. Please bring stoke and questions!

Old Business

Dues are due!

Annual SAC member dues are $35.00 per family. Please pay your dues before March 2019 to avoid being dropped from the club. There are several convenient ways you can pay:

1. You can come to the next club meeting and bring a check or cash to our new treasure, Jenna Price

2. You can mail a check to Skagit Alpine Club to this address: P.O. Box 1054 Mount Vernon, WA 98273

3. You can pay through PayPal on our website.

Right: Leslie setting up the first rappel on Dent du Geant (5.8, 50 deg snow, Grade II, Italian Alps). Photo by John Parks

Upcoming Events

The 2019 Basic Mountaineering Class is coming and registration is open! There is an Informative Meeting for the class on February 27, 7:00pm at the Burlington Senior Center, and the first outing will be April 13.

Gear Swap: Does all your gear spark joy? More importantly, does it spark your partner’s joy? If not, bring it to the SAC Gear Swap on April 3! Or, if you’re looking to pick up something for this season, come looking!

March 23-24: Wilderness First Aid Course through Backcountry Medical Guides:

first-aid-bellingham. Cost is $230. SAC members get a 10% discount. If you volunteer

with the BMC, you may eligible for partial reimbursement.

Save the date for the SAC Leavenworth weekend: May 10-12, 2019! As in previous years, it will be in conjunction with the BMC lead climbing outing.

Skagit Alpine Club Meeting Notes: January 2, 2019

President Andrea Bachman welcomed members and guests to the meeting and initiated introductions.

We’re still in the process of transferring SAC’s bank account to the new treasurer, so you’ll have to wait till next month for the treasurer’s report. We have been getting donations for the Park Butte Lookout through PayPal. Thanks to Travis and Eniko for adding the donate button to the lookout’s facebook page.

Thanks to John Parks for getting us schooled up on crevasse rescue and haul systems. We’ll know you attended the February meeting if you bust out the 7:1 Double Mariner at the BMC crevasse outing!

Above: SAC members contemplate the mysteries of the 3:1, 5:1 or was that the Double Mariner? (5.+, WI 19+, M 19+ C, Grade: Hope it doesn’t happen to me!). Photo by: Andrea Bachman

New Business:

The club has a new webmaster. Thank you to Raymond DeVries! Please check out the new website: Your secretary, Leslie Parks, is working to archive information from previous websites.

Above: Yosemite Falls. Photo by: Leslie Parks

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