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November 2022 Newsletter

Skagit Alpine Club November Meeting 11/2/2022 Location: Burlington Library Time: 7pm Additional Important Information: There will be Cookies! Meeting Topic: Climbing the Volcanoes of East Africa Kilimanjaro may be Africa's most famous peak, but did you know that east Africa is loaded with tons of other magnificent towering volcanoes? Andrea and JFro got a first-hand look at the best--of-the-best climbs in east Africa this summer, and now they want to share the inside scoop with you. Come learn how to avoid the crowds and have a truly unique alpine adventure in the wild mountains of Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania, all while hanging with chimpanzees, running with cheetahs, loafing with leopards and gawking at gorillas.

This will be hybrid. In person at the library and on Zoom. Here is the zoom link for the presentation starting at 7pm.

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 881 8440 4172 Passcode: 319691 One tap mobile +12532158782,,88184404172#,,,,*319691# US (Tacoma) +13462487799,,88184404172#,,,,*319691# US (Houston)

SAC Business Information

BMC updates: The first BMC planning meeting this year did not have enough people to manage all of the tasks that need to be done. The small group realized that it would be too much work for just the few that were there and it is now a question of if the course can happen next year. At this point no one has offered to be the co-coordinator for the BMC with Juliet. BMC Planning Meeting from 6-7pm, prior to the SAC meeting on Wednesday November 2nd at the Burlington Public Library as well as accessible by zoom. Link: Meeting ID: 892 4601 1699 Passcode: 829509

If you are able to support the planning, preparations, or if you can be a lead instructor for AN outing, we ask you to join this meeting or let Juliet know so we have an accurate idea of how much support we have this year. If we do not have enough, we will need to cancel the BMC, which had implications for new membership, club finances, Vamos outdoors and ski weekend options, and future BMC courses.

Vamos Outdoors event Oct 22nd:

We had a great time with the Vamos outdoors students at Riverstone. Most of the students were returning from spring and gained more confidence in their climbing skills. Several of them noticed that they were able to climb a little bit farther up the wall, or try something they hadn’t last time. One SAC member noted that they were anticipating some high school students that may need more encouragement to think climbing was cool, but was pleasantly surprised to find that all of the students were engaged and excited to be there. By the end of the day, students were reaching out to any of the SAC volunteers to ask questions, ask for a belay on a route or comment on how much they wanted to build forearm strength (haven’t we all been there?).

Photos from the Vamos event:


Climb on! Cameron Bigge | SAC Secretary

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