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August Newsletter


Aldo Leupold: "I am glad I will not be young in a future without wilderness.”

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Summer is here, and from what I’ve heard, everyone is crushing it! I’m going to use that as my excuse for this newsletter being so late… Keep crushing and don’t ever take the wilderness for granted, no matter your age.


August Meeting

Date/Time: None.

Get out and enjoy the summer!

Old Business

Nothing I know of…

Leslie approaching the Trient Hut on the Haute Route.

The summit of Tete Blanche on the Haute Route with the Matterhorn in the background. Right: The trail up to chopping block Camp.

New Business

We’re in need of approximately 20 8’ 1x6 tongue and groove, as well as miscellaneous fasteners and hinges for shutters. If you have any construction/materials hookups or know where to source that stuff cheap, please get in touch with Travis & Eniko Gomez

The trail up to chopping block Camp.

Skagit Alpine Club Meeting Notes: July 12 2019

As usual, I was gone for the picnic. But I heard it was awesome. Hope everyone made great plans, then exceeded them!

Trip Report from John:

Destination: Pickets Traverse South to North

Elevation: all of it…

Route: Goodell Creek to Chopping Block Camp, Ottohorn/Himmelhorn Col to Wild Hair crack, Frenzel Camp, Outrigger, East Fury, West Fury, Luna Col, Luna Peak, Access creek to Big Beaver boat pick up.

Date: June 21-27

Climbing Party: Steve, Jason, Tyler and John

Weather: Good and Bad; Mostly good, but it was a week in the Pickets…

The summit of West Fury from Camp.

We were at the ranger station about 0700 to get permits. Somehow, the Pioneer area was full, but we flexed. Soon enough, we were thrashing upwards towards Chopping Block camp. Not sure why, but after the 6,000 ft climb/hike/thrash with a 7 day pack, I didn’t have the energy to climb the Chopping Block.

Looking north towards the Outrigger, East Fury and West Fury with Luna Peak on the far right.

The next day was a fun traverse the Ottohorn/Himmelhorn Col. The snow was good, the loose, dirty slabs weren’t, but Wild Hair Crack was great! From there, it was down and across to Frenzel Camp, which was an amazing place to watch the Terror Twins on their grim climb and bivy up the Cooper route on the north side of Mt Terror.

We stayed a full day there, due to the grim forecast and a strong desire not to be camping on the top of East Fury with 40 MPH winds and snow /freezing precip.

Wednesday was a full (possibly fun?) day moving from Frenzel camp, over the Outrigger to the top of East Fury in clouds and light rain. We found two sites for tents on snow and settled in.

Thursday was a choss and gravity defying out and back to W Fury, then down to Luna Col. We were the 20th entry (and 15th party) in the summit registry, which is still original from the FA.

The southern Picket, joined by the Outrigger and East Fury enjoying the early morning light from the top of Luna Peak.

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